Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lesson 3 Transcript Available

Lesson 3: Definitions transcript is now available at the following scroll:

Lesson 3: Exercises

1. Identify what 'town center' and 'Puddleby' share in common.   

2. Identify what 'sunstone' and 'moonstone' share in common.

3. Identify what 'Darshak' and 'Shadowpuss' share in common. 

You may submit the exercises to gloriasclass at yahoo dot com at any time for my feedback and comments. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Announcing Lesson 3: Definitions

Lesson 3: Definitions will be on ooc Friday, March 23 at 10 AM PST (5 PM GMT).  Everyone is welcome to attend!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Lesson 2 Transcript Available

Lesson 2: Monsters transcript is now available at the following scroll:

Lesson 2: Assignment

Find a monster and spend a few minutes observing and/or trying to play with it.
Please answer the following questions using a maximum of one and a half pages:

A.  What happened during your time with the monster?
B.  What was the monster doing?
C.  Did the monster seem happy or unhappy? 
D.  How did spending time with the monster make you feel?
E.  Did you feel a need to flee from or kill the monster?  Explain.   

You may submit assignments to gloriasclass 'at' yahoo 'dot' com until ooc Friday, March 16 at 5 PM PST (12 AM GMT).

Lesson 2: Discussion

1. What does 'monster' mean to you?  How is a monster different from both town pets and exiles?

2. If a frog is not a monster, what is a frog? 

3. Do you agree that an exile with hostile intentions towards other exiles is not a monster?  Why or why not?