Friday, February 24, 2012

Lesson 1 Transcript Available

Lesson 1: Town Pets transcript is now available at the following scroll:

Announcing Lesson 2: Monsters

Lesson 2: Monsters will be on ooc Friday, March 9 at 10 AM PST (6 PM GMT) at the wedding building in south Puddleby. All are welcome!

Lesson 1: Assignment

Find a town pet and spend a few minutes observing and/or playing with it. 
Please answer the following questions using a maximum of one page:

A.  What happened during your time with the pet?
B.  What was the town pet doing?
C.  Does the town pet seem happy or unhappy? 
D.  How did spending time with the town pet make you feel? 

You may submit assignments to gloriasclass 'at' yahoo 'dot' com until ooc Friday, March 2 at 5 PM PST (1 AM GMT).

Lesson 1: Small Group Discussion

What is a town pet to you?  How is a town pet different from a monster?